
Tuesday, October 13, 2009

New Semester

Welcome back returning students, welcome new kids pick English names.
Everyone makes nametags--Susan laminates them.

Circle up on the stage: go over 5 rules of Special class
1) English only
2) Be ON TIME. if you're late, wait in the back of the classroom to be invited in!
3) No food in Class, NO PHONES!
4) pay attention when someone is talking!
5) have fun! try to learn English!

Name Games:
I am...she is...he is...
Sheet drop rover
ABC order with letters then names.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

6/29 Class Review

Review vocabulary and play LEMONADE.

MAKE Comic Strips
using reg. class phrasal points:
"Can you help me?"
"What time is it?"
"Don't do that!"

and vocab from special class,
clothes, places

pull from a bowl, and using what you get, make a story.

What a great group of kids. I like them a lot. they always try, they make an effort in anything I put in front of them, and even if they're shy, they encourage each other to learn, speak up, and make sure everyone feels included.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

6/8/09 class review

6 students showed up today.
1st class ofthe month: grammar class
I think Sarah H has started going to Hagwon after school, and I mis her in the class, but good for her!
Attendence catch phrase of the month: "Good afternoon, _____"
Sing Skinnamarinky-dinky-dink (teach them the extra lines at the end of the song)
grammar and writing: identify a good sentence, cross out the bad sentences.

Every sentence has a CAPITAL and a PERIOD.
Every sentence has to convey a complete idea.
Every sentence must have a SUBJECT & an ACTION.

Practice together. Different marker colors for different sentence parts.
Then read the sentences/non-sentences together, have the students circle the good sentence, and cross out the incomplete sentence.

This was surprisingly hard for my students to do. it took them several tries to get them to understand different sentence parts, and then to get them to do it on their own was like pulling teeth. what seemed to work best was to get soem one-on-one time with each one (the benefit of a small class) and let them read with you, then see if they get it. Assign page #2 as homework.

It went by a lot faster than I thought it would. We were all surprised by the bell at 2:00.

GOALS for next week:
Reinforce sentence building by doing a cut & paste activity.
Then make comic strips using the vocabulary phrases we're learning in English Class this week.

Sunday, May 17, 2009


for next week, May 25th
I want to work on sentence order.
Let's learn animal names, too!

cut & paste pictures, maybe?

R.S. book pp18/19 already printed up!

Monday, May 18, 2009 Feelings & Activities; Grammar/conversation

Feelings & Activities; Grammar/conversation
materials: flashcards: feelings(set 3) , sports (set 1)
(R.S.)Writing & Grammar book pp10-11 (photocopy)
Topic: Feelings, VOICE, activities/games
p10--students can do on their own. since students were coming in late, I let them work on p10 until everyone got here, then I took attendence.
p11. do together

Make sure students understand the 3 feelings;
A excited (students already know this) B serious C friendly

have them make the faces for each feeling
explain the -ly suffix = like
friendly = friend-like
sickly = sick-like

a student reads directions.
Do the 3 sentences together and decide which feeling is best for each one
1) Can you come skating with me on Saturday?
2) The new Kittens are so cute!
3) Eee Myun Bak is our president (you might want to check the spelling of the president's name!)

Students will take turns saying the sentence to each other one at a time
Give a star sticker to the student with the best appropriate emotion in their voice.

Phrasal points:
I do ______ well.
I ______ well. (no DO!)

Write about something you do well. Tell how it makes you feel.
Use flashcards to explain what you can do well.
Write an example on the board.
I read well. I feel happy when I read.
I do soccer well. I feel excited when I play soccer.
have each student read out loud for you 1-on-1. correct grammar issues, then give a sticker/stamp on paper for good work.
give each student a sports card.
on one side of the board write I _____ well.
on the other side write, I do _____ well.
Let them guess. when they get it wrong, have one from each group come up in front of group and Let the students see the difference. They'll work it out. I use the words, game/activity. although if they're more advanced, I'd use noun/verb. Then let them try it again. they usually have no problem on the second try. When they say their sentence properly, they get to sit down.


Thursday, May 14, 2009


This is a fun racing game. It requires a little space, and is best played outdoors or in a hallway.

Use the week's vocabulary as the motions.
How are you? well, happy, sad, excited, hungry, thirsty
Who are you? man, woman, teacher, student, boy, girl, mouse, elephant
two teams line up accross from each other, on opposite sides of the classroom.
team #1: "What's your name?"
team #2: "Lemonade"
team #1: "ask the question"
team "2: does a motion.
when the team #1 guesses correctly, they chase team #2, and whoever they tag switches teams.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Monday, April 6, 2009

Students came for 2nd class
reviewed names, played the name game
--divide into 2 teams
one student on each side of sheet, sheet goes down,
1st to name the other gets to take the other to their side; red rover style.

reviewed vocabulary words for weather.
format for days of the week and weather.

goals for next week's class:
--play around the world using weather/season cards
--make web worksheets for each weather type. (ex on PP--WEAR shorts, t-shirt; GO to the zoo, fly a kite, hiking....
--divide into groups and give a little time to start planning out a script for their weather channel reports they will perform the following week.

materials: Powerpoint presentation (examples of WEB & Weather report)
flashcards (set #3, purple color)
construction paper, crayons, markers
English-Korean dictionaries for each group.

Class List

Jane: 김에청
Sara: 김명추
Lydia: 차새얀
Kara: 김민청
June: 창은지
Christie: 김이지
Kira: 우현서
Valerie: 양가은
Chrissy: 김성하
Sarah: 현세란
Taylor: 김청준